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FOIA said

November 17, 2009 at 9:57 pm

We feel that climate science is, in the current situation, too important to be kept under wraps.

We hereby release a random selection of correspondence, code, and documents.

Hopefully it will give some insight into the science and the people behind it.

This is a limited time offer, download now: http://ftp.tomcity.ru/incoming/free/FOI2009.zip


0926010576.txt * Mann: working towards a common goal

1189722851.txt * Jones: “try and change the Received date!”

0924532891.txt * Mann vs. CRU

0847838200.txt * Briffa & Yamal 1996: “too much growth in recent years makes it difficult to derive a valid age/growth curve”

0926026654.txt * Jones: MBH dodgy ground

1225026120.txt * CRU’s truncated temperature curve

1059664704.txt * Mann: dirty laundry

1062189235.txt * Osborn: concerns with MBH uncertainty

0926947295.txt * IPCC scenarios not supposed to be realistic

0938018124.txt * Mann: “something else” causing discrepancies

0939154709.txt * Osborn: we usually stop the series in 1960

0933255789.txt * WWF report: beef up if possible

0998926751.txt * “Carefully constructed” model scenarios to get “distinguishable results”

0968705882.txt * CLA: “IPCC is not any more an assessment of published science but production of results”

1075403821.txt * Jones: Daly death “cheering news”

1029966978.txt * Briffa – last decades exceptional, or not?

1092167224.txt * Mann: “not necessarily wrong, but it makes a small difference” (factor 1.29)

1188557698.txt * Wigley: “Keenan has a valid point”

1118949061.txt * we’d like to do some experiments with different proxy combinations

1120593115.txt * I am reviewing a couple of papers on extremes, so that I can refer to them in the chapter for AR4

This appears to be one of the first notices of the files being on the Internet. It was posted on November 17, 2009 at 9:57 pm on  http://noconsensus.wordpress.com/2009/11/13/open-letter/

(Note that the file names are Unix style dates)