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Debunking the Climate Scam

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5000 Years Of Climate Change From Greenland Ice Cores


Antarctic Ice Loss 2002-2016  

The mass of the Antarctic ice sheet has changed over the last several years. Research based on observations from NASA’s twin NASA/German Aerospace Center’s twin Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites indicates that between 2002 and 2016, Antarctica shed approximately 125 gigatons of ice per year, causing global sea level to rise by 0.35 millimeters per year.

These images, created with GRACE data, show changes in Antarctic ice mass since 2002. Orange and red shades indicate areas that lost ice mass, while light blue shades indicate areas that gained ice mass. White indicates areas where there has been very little or no change in ice mass since 2002. In general, areas near the center of Antarctica experienced small amounts of positive or negative change, while the West Antarctic Ice Sheet experienced a significant ice mass loss (dark red) over the fourteen-year period. Floating ice shelves whose mass GRACE doesn't measure are colored gray.

From:  https://gracefo.jpl.nasa.gov/resources/34/

What They Left Out

There is no perspective on this raw data, yet it is presented in a manner designed for the general public.

Here is the perspective NASA left out:

125 gigatons is about 125 cubic kilometers

There is a total of  26.5 MILLION cubic kilometers of ice in Antarctica.

Simple division (26,500,000/125) gives this:

There is 212,000 years of ice left at that rate!

(that is about two cycles of ice ages/warming)

They also forgot to tell us the history of the ice loss.

Was it faster or slower before man’s CO2?  

Now that we know there is over 200,000 years of ice left, lets see how The Weather channel reported this:
