Debunking the Climate Scam
Billions of Dollars -
Greedy Green Corporations -
No Warming For Two decades -
Bought and Paid For Organizations
5000 Years Of Climate Change From Greenland Ice Cores
Here are graphs of recent climate directly from the US and British governments and two groups that are the official sources of NASA's satellite climate data. They ALL show no warming for the last decade or more:
From the US government agency, NOAA:
From England’s offician weather service, the Met Office:
US Satellite date from University of Alabama, Huntsville:
Printable PDF of the above charts
US Satellite date from RSS:
U.S. Climate Reference Network (this is a top quality network, covering the USA mainland, established just a few years ago, so it only goes back 10 years)
From Watts Up With That newer graph
Here is a summary from Watts Up With That (be sure to see this link for more)
For this analysis, data was retrieved from and the ironically named This analysis indicates how long there has not been significant
warming at the 95% level on various data sets. The first number in each case was
sourced from WFT. However the second +/-
For RSS the warming is not significant for over 23 years.
For RSS: +0.127 +/-
For UAH, the warming is not significant for over 19 years.
For UAH: 0.143 +/-
For Hacrut3, the warming is not significant for over 19 years.
For Hadcrut3: 0.098 +/-
For Hacrut4, the warming is not significant for over 18 years.
For Hadcrut4: 0.095 +/-
For GISS, the warming is not significant for over 17 years.
For GISS: 0.116 +/-
If you want to know the times to the nearest month that the warming is not significant for each set, they are as follows: RSS since September 1989; UAH since April 1993; Hadcrut3 since September 1993; Hadcrut4 since August 1994; GISS since October 1995 and NOAA since June 1994.
Much more at Watts Up With That
You will find links to these and more at:
also see
Nasa chart of 4 major trmperature records -
BTW, did you know that:
1. Nature emits over 90% of the annual CO2 emission?
2. The ice core data (the ones AL Gore made famous) shows that CO2 follows, NOT leads temperature.
3. Most of the greenhouse effect is caused by water vapor, not CO2
Sources for items 1-
Government Data: Earth quit Warming a Decade ago!
Warming Stopped |
NOAA Data |
NorthWest |
Oregon |
Washington |
Extreme Weather |
Past Was Warmer |
NASA: 30's Hotter |
PastBeliefs |
HistoryOFAlarmism |
Central England |
Temperature History |
MultiProxy |
treemometers |
Northwest Passage |
Acidification-Ball |
Acidification-Fulks |
Acidification-Idso |
Selected Emails |
CRU Emails - html formatted |
CRU Emails Simple Format |
CRU Emails UnFormatted |
DCPS paper |
CRU_Files_Notice |
False Deadlines |
Hockey Stick Links |