Debunking the Climate Scam
Billions of Dollars -
Greedy Green Corporations -
No Warming For Two decades -
Bought and Paid For Organizations
5000 Years Of Climate Change From Greenland Ice Cores
2. Impact of solar variability on the earth’s climate
a. “Solar variability and the earth’s climate: introduction and overview” George
Reid Space Science Reviews 94 (2000) p.1-
Provides a general overview of the sun’s impact on the earth’s climate through the Little Ice Age as well as through geological times and the complexity in establishing the solar/climate link.
b. “Low cloud properties influenced by cosmic rays” N D Marsh & H Svensmark Physical
Review Letters 85 (2000) p. 5004-
Documents how galactic cosmic rays can influence the earth’s low cloud cover and how this in turn would impact the mean temperature.
c. “Global temperature forced by solar irradiation and greenhouse gases?” Wibjorn
Karlen Ambio, Vol. 30 (2001)p. 349-
Argues that the present interglacial has been cooler by about 2°C than the previous ones during the last 400,000 thousand years when the atmospheric concentration of CO2 was 100 ppmv less than at present.
d. “The sun’s role in climate variations” D Rind Science Vol. 296 (2002) p. 673-
e. “Solar influence on the spatial structure of the NAO during the winter 1900-
North Atlantic oscillation is shown to be strongly modulated by high & low solar activity as identified through sunspot cycles.
f. “Can slow variations in solar luminosity provide missing link between the sun and the climate?” Peter Fokul EOS, Vol. 84, No. 22 (2003)p.205&208
Presents additional evidence of recent changes in solar irradiance and make a case for solar impact on the earth’s climate.
g. “Celestial driver of phanerozoic climate?” N Shaviv & J Veizer Geological Society
of America 13 (2003) p.4-
Documents, using a “sea-
h. “Variable solar irradiance as a plausible agent for multidecadal variations in
the Arctic-
Demonstrates a strong link between total solar irradiance and Arctic-
i. “Solar forcing of the polar atmosphere” P A Mayewski et al Annals of Glaciology
Vol. 41 (2005) p. 147-
Analyzes high-
j. “The influence of the 11-
k. “Living with a variable sun” Judith Lean Physics Today (2005) Vol 58, No. 6 p.
Presents additional evidence of recent changes in solar irradiance and makes a case for solar impact on the earth’s climate.
l. “Phenomenological solar contribution to the 1900-
Constructs a phenomenological model to include solar forcing and demonstrates its linkage to the earth’s temperature change over last 400 years.
m. “Phenomenological solar signature in 400 years of reconstructed northern hemisphere temperature record” N Scafetta & B J West Geophysical Research Letters Vol. 33 (2006) L17718
Constructs a phenomenological model to include solar forcing and demonstrates its linkage to the earth’s temperature change over last 400 years.
n. “Empirical evidence for a nonlinear effect of galactic cosmic rays on clouds” R G Harrison & D B Stephenson Proceedings of the Royal Society A (UK): 10.1098/rspa.2005.1628 (2006)
Documents how galactic cosmic rays can influence the earth’s low cloud cover and how this in turn would impact the mean temperature.
3. Sea-
a. “New perspectives for the future of the Maldives” N-
In the region of Maldives a general fall in sea-
b. “Estimates of the regional distribution of sea-
Analyzes patterns of regional sea level rise over the period 1950-
c. “Low sea-
Projects sea level rise from mountain glacier and icecaps (outside of Greenland & Antarctic Ice Sheets) as only about 5.1 cm by 2100, half of previous projections.
d. “Nonlinear trends and multiyear cycles in sea-
Obtains global sea level rise trend of 2.4 mm per year for the period 1993-
e. “On the decadal rates of sea level changes during the twentieth century” S J Holgate Geophysical
Research Letters 34 (2007) doi:10.1029/2006GL028492
Analyses nine long and continuous records of sea level changes from 1904 through
2003. Sea level change of ~2.03 +/-
Ocean Surface Warming/Cooling
a. “The sustained North American warming of 1997 and 1998” A Kumar et al J of Climate
14 (2001)p.345-
Shows how the sustained North American land warming was primarily due to the intense El Nino event of 1997/98, which produced and maintained high sea surface temperature values over the Pacific basin, as well as other ocean basins through the middle of 1998.
b. “Recent cooling of the upper ocean” J Lyman J Willis & G Johnson Geophysical Research Letters 33 (2006) L18604
Documented cooling of the upper oceans and in particular of the southern north Atlantic.
c. “Anomaly of heat content in the northern Atlantic in the last 7 years: Is the ocean warming or cooling?” V Ivchenko N Wells & D Aleynik Geophysical Research Letters 33 (2006) L22606
Data from the Argo profiling buoys are analyzed for the North Atlantic, and found that the southern north Atlantic has cooled in the last seven years.
d. “How much is the ocean really warming?” V Gouretski & K P Koltermann Geophysical Research Letters 34 (2007) L01610
Studies global hydrographic data, as provided by bathythermographs, and found a warming bias when the bathythermographs data are compared against bottle and current temperature density data.
4. Arctic & Antarctic temperatures: from Holocene to present
a. “First survey of Antarctic sub-
Documents that the Larsen A & B ice shelves in the northeastern Antarctic Peninsula were probably altogether absent about two thousand years ago.
b. “Antarctic climate cooling and terrestrial ecosystem response” P Doran et al Nature online 13 January 2002 (DOI:10.1038/nature 710)
Documents a cooling trend in the Antarctica using recent temperature data.
c. “Variability and trends of air temperature and pressure in the maritime Arctic,
Presents a long series of temperature and pressure data (1875-
d. “Holocene climate variability” P A Mayewski et al Quaternary Research 62 (2004)
p. 243-
Identifies Rapid Climate Change throughout the Holocene, involving cool polar regions and wet (or dry) tropical regions.
e. Global warming & the Greenland ice sheets” P Chylek, J E Box & G Lesins Climatic
Change (2004) 63 p. 201-
Shows that a rapid warming over all of coastal Greenland occurred in the 1920s. Average annual temperature rose between 2° and 4°C in less than ten years.
f. “A multi-
Shows a pronounced Holocene temperature maximum, about 5°C warmer than present.
g. “Greenland warming of 1920-
Shows that a rapid warming over all of coastal Greenland occurred in the 1920s. Average annual temperature rose between 2° and 4°C in less than ten years.
h. “Extending Greenland temperature records into the late eighteenth century” B M Winter et al J of Geophysical Research 111 (2006) D11105
Extends Greenland temperature records back to the year 1784. The 1930s and the 1940s were the warmest decades, with 1941 as the warmest year.
i. “Ice shelf history from petrographic and foraminiferal evidence, Northeast Antarctic
Peninsula” C J Pudsey et al Quaternary Science Reviews 25 (2006) p. 2357-
Documents that the Larsen A & B ice shelves in the northeastern Antarctic Peninsula were probably altogether absent about two thousand years ago. Further concludes that the CO2 concentration was about 100 ppm lower than at present.
5. Impact of large-
a. “A study of NAO variability and its possible non-
Shows that a positive value of the north Atlantic oscillation index can produce winter season warming in Europe.
b. “Impacts of low frequency variability modes on Canadian winter temperature” B
Bonsal, A Shabbar & K Higuchi Int’l journal of Climatology, Vol. 21 (2001) p. 95-
Shows how an El Nino event, together with positive values of the Pacific decadal oscillation index, can provide strong positive winter temperature anomalies over most of Canada.
c. “Are stronger North-
Suggests that stronger south-
d. “Variability of extreme temperature events in south-
Shows that a positive value of the north Atlantic oscillation index can produce winter season warming in Europe.
e. “January Northern Hemisphere circumpolar vortex variability and its relationship
with hemispheric temperature and regional teleconnection” R Rohli, K Wrona & M McHugh
Int’l J of Climatology, Vol. 25 (2005) p. 1421-
Discusses the circumpolar vortex and its linkage to both the Atlantic oscillation variability, and the Pacific North American pattern.
6. Extraneous influence on mean temperature trends: urbanization, land-
a. “The influence of land-
Considered a landmark paper in the present global warming debate. This paper brings
out an important aspect of land-
b. “Impact of urbanization and land-
Using the National Centre for Atmospheric Research, USA, re-
c. “The urban heat island in winter at Barrow, Alaska” K Hinkel et al International
J of Climatology, Vol. 23, 2003, p. 1889-
Obtains the urban-
d. “Impacts of anthropogenic heat on regional climate patterns” A Block, K Keuler & E Schaller Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 31, L12211, 2004
Shows how anthropogenic heat released from highly industrialized and populated areas can produce a permanent warming from 0.15° to 0.5°C.
e. “A test of correction for extraneous signals in gridded surface temperature data”
R McKitrick & P Michaels, Climate Research, Vol. 26, 2004, p. 159-
Documents a definite warm bias in the temperature trend, as a result of non-
f. “Evidence for a significant urbanization effect on climate in China” L Zhou et
al Proc. National Academy of Science(USA) V. 101 (2004) p.9540-
Obtains urbanization impact over China to be more than the estimated 0.27°C in the USA during the 20th century.
g. “Evidence for influence of anthropogenic surface processes on lower tropospheric and surface temperature trends” A T J De Laat & A N Maurellis, International J of Climatology, 26, 2006, p. 897913
Studies the influence of anthropogenic surface processes on mean temperature trends,
estimated using green house gas emission world-
h. “Urban heat island effect analysis for San Juan, Puerto Rico” A Velazquez-
Documents a strong urban heat island effect at San Juan, Puerto Rico. It is estimated
that the urban-
7. Uncertainties in climate model simulations of regional & global features
a. “Potential role of solar variability as an agent for climate change” C Bertrand
& J Van Ypersele Climatic Change V 43 (1999) p.387-
It is shown that, although total solar irradiance reconstruction is insufficient
to reproduce observed warming of the 20th century, the model response suggests that
the Gleissberg cycle (~88 yr) solar forcing should not be neglected in explaining
the century-
b. “Simulated impacts of historical land-
The simulations suggest that anthropogenic land cover changes can produce teleconnection patterns affecting global temperature and precipitation distributions.
c. “Monsoon prediction-
Examines prediction of the Indian monsoon for 2004 and conclude that the skill in forecasting the Indian summer monsoon variability has not improved in the last fifty years
d. “Detection and attribution of twentieth-
Finds that the Sahel region drought of 1950-
e. “ENSO evolution and teleconnections in IPCC’s twentieth-
Concludes that climate models are still unable to simulate many features of El Nino
southern oscillation variability, its circulation and hydro-
f. “Precipitation characteristics in eighteen coupled climate models” Aiguo Dai J of Climate V 19 (2006) p.4605
Concludes that considerable improvements in precipitation simulations are still desirable for the latest generation of the world’s coupled climate models.
g. “Is the thermohaline circulation changing?” M Latif et al J of Climate V 19 (2006)
amounts of heat and freshwater transport by the Gulf Stream. Suggests the changes in the thermohaline circulation during the 20th century are likely to be the result of natural multidecadal climate variability.
8. Miscellaneous Studies
a. “Reconciling observations of global temperature change” Richard Lindzen & Constantine Giannitsis Geophysical Research Letters V 29 (2002) No 12 10.1029/2001GL014074
Analyzes the discrepancy between global mean temperature trends, obtained by satellite microwave data, and surface temperature measurements.
b. “Compilation and discussion of trends in severe storms in the United States: Popular
perception vs climate reality” Robert Balling Jr & Randall Cerveny Natural Hazards
V 29 (2003) p. 103-
Documents the mismatch between popular perceptions, as created by media reports, and climate reality, which does not show extreme weather as increasing in the USA.
c. “On destructive Canadian Prairie windstorms and severe winters: A climatological
assessment in the context of global warming” Keith Hage Natural Hazards V 29 (2003)
p. 207-
Documents a temporal frequency peak in severe windstorms and associated tornadoes during the 1920s and 1930s, then a steady decline since 1940 through 1980s. A steep rise in tornado frequency since 1970 is attributed to increasing awareness and reporting of tornado activity in recent years, and NOT due to change in tornado climatology.
d. “Shifting economic impacts from weather extremes in the Unites States: a result
of societal changes, not global warming” Stanley Changnon Natural Hazards V 29 (2003)
p. 273-
Documents that increasing economic impacts of extreme weather events in the USA is a result of societal change and NOT global warming.
e. “The global warming debate: A review of the present state of science” M L Khandekar
T S Murty & P Chittibabu Pure & Applied Geophysics V 162 (2005) p. 1557-
Concludes that the recent warming of the earth’s surface is primarily due to urbanization,
f. “Extreme weather trends vs dangerous climate change: A need for a critical reassessment”
M L Khandekar Energy & Environment V 16 (2005) p.327-
Shows that extreme weather events like heat waves, winter blizzards, rainstorms, droughts etc are not increasing anywhere in Canada, USA or elsewhere, where sufficient data are available for adequate analysis.
g. “The interaction of climate change and the carbon dioxide cycle” A Rorsch R S
Courtney & D Thoenes Energy & Environment V 16 (2005) p. 217-
Argues the relatively large rise of CO2 in the 20th century, was caused by the increase in the mean temperature which preceded it.
h. “Can we detect trends in extreme tropical cyclones?” Christopher Landsea et al
Science V 313 (2006)p.452-
Suggests the Dvorak technique, developed to estimate hurricane strength, was not available in the late 1960s and early 1970s or before, when some of the hurricanes and tropical cyclones may have been stronger than estimated.
i. “Trends in western North Pacific tropical cyclone intensity” M-
Suggests that the western North Pacific tropical cyclone climatology does not reveal increasing strength for typhoon records from 1965 to 2004.
j. “On global forces of nature driving the earth’s climate: Are humans involved?”
L F Khilyuk & G V Chilinger Environmental Geology V 50 (2006) p. 899-
Presents a comprehensive review of the global forces driving the earth’s climate over geological times. The present warming of the last 150 years is a short warming episode in the earth’s geologic history. Human activity (anthropogenic green house gas emission) may be responsible for only 0.01°C of the approximately 0.56°C warming of the 20th
Summary & Conclusions
1. The recent warming of the earth’s surface (~0.4°C ) is significantly influenced
by human activity on ground like urbanization, land-
2. Solar variability and changes in large-
3. The Arctic basin temperature changes of the last 125 years, appear to be intimately linked to the Total Soar Irradiance (TSI) while showing a weak correlation with atmospheric CO2
4. The earth’s climate experienced Rapid Climate Change during the entire Holocene
period. and in particular during the last 5000 years or so. Ice core and other proxy
data document mid-
5. There does not appear any discernible link between Global Warming and recent increase
in extreme weather events world-
6. North Atlantic hurricanes appear to have strengthened in recent years; however typhoons and tropical cyclones in other ocean basins do not show consistent increase in strength in recent years.
7. The Sea Level Rise of the 20th century is influenced significantly by inter-
8. Present state-
9. The Thermohaline Circulation in the North Atlantic has exhibited considerable
variability in the 20th century; however this variability appears to be part of natural
10. Future projections of earth’s climate using present climate models do not have sufficient reliability for climate policy decisions.
Questioning the Global Warming Science:
An Annotated bibliography of recent peer-
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Prepared By Madhav L Khandekar Environmental Consultant
For FRIENDS OF SCIENCE Calgary, Alberta January 2007
Scope & Purpose of the Document
This Document presents an annotated bibliography of selected peer-
1. Temperature reconstruction using proxy data: The Hockey-
The following studies demonstrate conclusively that the highly publicized Hockey-
a. “Corrections to Mann et al (1998) proxy data base and northern hemisphere average
temperature series” S McIntyre & R McKitrick Energy & Environment Vol. 14 (2003)
p. 751-
b. “Reconstructing past climate from noisy data” H von Storch et al Science Vol. 306 (2004) p. 679682
c. “Hockey sticks, principal components and spurious significance” S McIntyre & R McKitrick Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 32 (2005) L03710
d. “Highly variable northern hemisphere temperatures reconstructed from low-
e. Wegman Edward, Scott D W and Said Yasmin H 2006: Ad Hoc Committee Report to Chairman
of the House Committee on Energy & Commerce and to the Chairman of the House sub-
f. “Reconstruction of temperature in the central Alps during the past 2000 yr from
a delta18O stalagmite record” A Mangini, C Spotl & P Verdes Earth & Planetary Science
Letters, 235 (2005)p. 741-
If The Science is Settled, Why Are The Peer Reviewed Journals
Still Publishing Hundreds of Papers Like These?
450 Peer-
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